Sunday, May 07, 2006

Final proposal is really a step leading to another. The building of any object, regardless of if it already exists, allows for the possibility to spring board into a new direction. If there is any one thing to be learned it is the sharpening of the skill which allows us to envision with greater clarity a intended proposal. In such a manner is this class in the process of design. My initial steps came from personal interests and experience in answering the conclusions found from the two early flexinol prototypes. This early initiation can be viewed as a either intuition or a misstep. However, in the finality of a class such as this the real beauty is in the variation of proposals from the class. In that exposure we individually will hopefully retrace our initial steps and question those choices for the next proposed problem. In that, my point would be that for prospective students to initially think of this class as an extension of where technics leaves off and begin by researching not a final object to propose but what in essense you are building for. The most useful criticism to be bought forward in this class was "The what for ?" or "What to build next?"and especially the "So what" aspect. The world is full of useless from concept trinkit objects, do not create any futher disposable objects.